Best Liver Transplant Treatment Center in India
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A liver transplant is a surgical procedure which is performed in patients with liver failure to replace their diseased liver with a healthy liver.
Liver transplant is a treatment option for patients with liver failure whose condition can’t be managed medically and for some patients with liver cancer. Liver failure may happen quickly or over a longer period of time. Liver failure that occurs quickly, in a matter of days or weeks, is called acute liver failure (fulminant hepatic failure) and is usually the result of viral infection or some medication-induced liver injury.
Living-donor transplantation is surgery in which a portion of a donor’s healthy liver is removed and then transplanted into a patient with end-stage liver disease. During the transplant, either the right lobe or the left lobe of the donor’s liver is removed from the donor and implanted in the recipient. The portion of the donor liver selected depends on the recipient’s weight, remnant liver volume and the blood supply to the liver. Both segments (the remaining section of the donor’s liver, and the portion received by the patient) will regenerate and grow to fit the needs of each individual.
This procedure is made possible by the liver’s unique ability to regenerate. After transplantation, the partial livers of both the donor and recipient will grow and remodel to form complete organs.
The donor is carefully evaluated by the transplant team to ensure the donation would harm neither donor nor recipient.
Anyone close relative, of age group between 18 to 55 years can donate their part of liver of their own will. Donor’s blood group should be matching preferably. Donor’s graft liver volume should be adequate for recipient and remnant liver volume should be enough for donor. Donor should be medically fit for donation and should not be pregnant in case of female donor.
You’re the only one who can decide to donate part of your liver. It’s illegal for anyone to force you to do it. It’s also against the law to sell organs. Transplant centre always make sure that their donors are doing this of their own free will, and you’ll need to sign a consent form. You have the right to back out at any time.
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Liver Transplant is broadly classified into two types:
Living Donor Liver Transplant (LDLT): This type of liver transplant involves a living donor who donates a part of their liver for his/her loved one. This partial liver is then implanted in the patient and the new connections are restored.
Deceased Donor Liver Transplant (DDLT): Here the donor liver is procured from a brain dead individual after detailed evaluation. Generally complete liver is implanted in the concerned patient. Some people refer it as cadaveric liver transplant in common language.
While patients are on the waiting list, their health status can change which may determine their suitability for liver transplant. Therefore it is important for us to know about your health regularly. You have to update liver transplant team regularly with the basic blood tests which has been advised by the liver transplant team.
During liver transplant surgery deceased liver is removed completely from recipient’s body and donated organ is implanted.
After liver transplant surgery recipient is kept in liver transplant ICU for initial few days then they are shifted to room. For initial few days, blood tests and liver doppler are performed daily to check graft function and patency of graft blood vessels. Most of the recipients are discharged within two weeks after liver transplant. Recipients have to take immunosuppressant medications lifelong after liver transplant.
After liver transplant there can be risks associated with liver transplant procedure and risks associated with medications. Procedure associated risks are bleeding, bile leak, rejection, graft failure and infection. Immunosuppressant medications can cause variety of side effects like hypertension, diabetes, gastrointestinal upset, raised serum potassium. Most of these side effects can be managed medically.
Yes. Surgical success rate of liver transplant is more than 95%. One-year survival after liver transplant is approximately 90%.
Most of liver transplant recipients gets discharged within two weeks after liver transplant. After successful liver transplant surgery, most of the recipient can resume their work three months after liver transplant.
You can get liver either from one of your relatives in live donor liver transplant (LDLT) or you can get liver from brain dead patient if you are listed for deceased donor liver transplant (DDLT).
We try to mobilize our liver transplant recipients as earliest as possible after transplant. Most of liver transplant recipients are able to walk within two to three days after transplant surgery. They can resume their work three months after liver transplant
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