Appendicitis Symptoms, Treatment and Surgery | Wockhardt

Appendicitis Symptoms, Treatment and Surgery


Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. The appendix is part of the large intestine located at the right lower, part. It looks like a small finger-like organ. The inside of the appendix forms a small sac that usually opens into the large intestine. When the appendix is blocked it causes an inflammatory reaction and predisposes it to bacterial growth and infection. Appendicitis is caused because of such blockages, due to hard rock-like stool; inflammation of lymph nodes in the intestines, or infections likes parasites.

 Generally the first symptom of appendicitis is usually a mild fever and pain around naval area. The pain in appendicitis usually worsens in and moves to the lower right side of the stomach and can associated with Vomiting, nausea, and loss of appetite. If the appendicitis is not treated in time (removal of appendix) the infected appendix, can burst and spread bacteria.  The complications of appendicitis that can arise from a ruptured appendix which can give rise to an abscess (an infection of pus) that can spread throughout the abdomen, causing peritonitis, which can be life threatening.

Treatment for appendicitis

Before the appendectomy procedure diagnostic investigations will be carries out such as :

  • Urine tests to rule out a urinary tract infection or kidney stone.
  • Pelvic exams can make certain that women to rule out other pelvic infections.
  • Pregnancy tests can rule out a suspected ectopic pregnancy.
  • Abdominal imaging can determine if you have an abscess or other complications through ultrasonography, CT SCAN.
  • Chest X-ray can rule out right lower lobe pneumonia.

Appendectomy Procedure is the standard treatment for appendicitis:

Removal of the appendix is generally the mode of line of treatment for appendicitis. This operation is known as an appendectomy or appendectomy (appendix removal). This is because it’s considered safer to remove the appendix than run the risk of the appendix bursting.

Appendectomy surgery:

Appendicitis surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic using either a keyhole or open appendix surgery technique for appendectomy procedure. Antibiotics are given before an appendectomy to cover any chances of infections.

  1. Keyhole technique for Appendix surgery (minimally invasive surgery)

Keyhole surgery (laparoscopy) is usually the preferred method of removal of the appendix (Appendicitis operation), because the recovery tends to be quicker than with open surgery.

The appendectomy procedure through this technique, involves making 4-inch incision small incisions on the abdomen.  A laparoscope which is a small tube containing a light source and a camera is inserted through the abdomen, which relays images of the inside of the abdomen to a television monitor.

During this type of appendicitis operation gas is pumped through to inflate the abdominal cavity which allows the surgeon to see the appendix more clearly and small instruments are inserted to remove the appendix. Once the appendix has been removed in the appendicitis operation, the incisions are closed with dissolvable stitches. One of the main advantages of keyhole surgery is the recovery time is short and most people can leave hospital is a few days.

  1. Open surgery for treatment for appendicitis:

In some situations keyhole surgery may not be recommended and open surgery is performed instead for removal of appendix- Appendectomy:

  1. When the appendix has already burst and formed an appendix mass in the abdomen.
  2. Surgeon is not proficient in laparoscopy for treatment of appendicitis.
  3. Past history of abdominal surgery.
  4. Emergency situation where there is a widespread peritonitis, a complication of appendicitis infection of the inner lining of the abdomen .In such cases of complicated surgery of appendix it may take up to a week before getting discharged.

Complications of Appendectomy please seek medical attention:

  • increasing pain and swelling
  • vomiting repeatedly
  • Fever
  • any discharge coming from the sutures
  • the wound is inflamed

In case you are experiencing any of signs or symptoms related to appendicitis or would like to know more details about digestive care disorders, please contact our centres at Wockhardt Hospitals. Wockhardt Hospitals is one of the countries premium hospitals that are focused on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases and illnesses.

Wockhardt Hospitals, a chain of tertiary care super-specialty hospitals has more than 25 years of experience in the creation and management of Super Specialty Hospitals in India.

We are a premiere hospital in the country specializing in the treatment of digestive disorders. We provide comprehensive digestive care to our patients. Our Gastroenterology Surgery and Minimal Invasive Surgery Department at Wockhardt Hospitals is regarded, as one of the centre’s for excellence.  Our clinical expertise and infrastructure support the treatment of health conditions, needing laparoscopic surgery or general surgery.  For further information visit Digestive Care Speciality at Wockhardt Hospitals.

Wockhardt Hospitals is regarded  as a centre of excellence the healthcare domain,  having facilities in North Mumbai (Mira road), South Mumbai (Mumbai Central), Navi Mumbai (Vashi), Nagpur, Nasik, Rajkot and Surat. Wockhardt Hospitals has state-of-the-art infrastructure. Our prime objective is patient safety and quality of care at all levels. The guiding philosophy is to serve and enrich the Quality of Life of patients and to make life win.

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