Turn to these 6 science-backed remedies to get relief from PMS symptoms - Wockhardt

Turn to these 6 science-backed remedies to get relief from PMS symptoms

Relief from PMS Symptoms

Eating right and exercising are natural ways to deal with PMS symptoms, and now science validates it too! Read on to know more about these period hacks.

Several people must have given you a piece of their minds, when it comes to period cramps. Some may have advised you to drink ginger kadha, others suggest keeping a hot water bag on your lower abdomen to relax the stiff muscles. It might help you, but what about others?

That’s why we have got you six sure shot ways that are scientifically proven by the University of California, Davis that will work like a magic pill to drive away those annoying cramps! 

Well, PMS is our body’s alarm clock to warn us when the menstrual cycle is about to start! But at times, heavy bleeding can make these cramps worse. 

With that other PMS symptoms like bloating, untamable mood swings, tender breast, can make your case worse. All this happens due to hormones going haywire!

But the question is can it be tamed? Thankfully yes, and here are the six things you can do about it:

1. Nosh on omega-3

When you are on your periods, inflammation leads to swelling and muscle cramps. To alleviate these symptoms, you need omega-3. This nutrient keeps the proteins in check that at times elevate inflammation in the body. According to a study published in the journal of Complementary Therapies in Medicine, omega-3 helps in reducing other PMS symptoms like bloating and breast tenderness.

2. Don’t skip exercising

Exercising is a great way to divert your attention from those painful cramps, and uplifts your mood like no other! But instead of HIIT and other high-intensity exercises, look for lower impact exercises.

3. Sleep well

If on a normal day, you sleep for 7 hours, then make sure to get 9 hours of rest when you have your periods! This will also help you restore your energy for the next day and you will feel less stressed.

4. Try meditating

Mood swings in some women can be very severe. At times, it can make them anxious and jittery. In such cases, meditation can help you to calm down.

According to a study published in the journal, Depression Research and Treatment, some women go through severe emotional distress during menstruation. And it becomes all the more problematic, because at times they don’t know the causes. In such situations, meditation can help them maintain their cool.

5. Watch those carbs and sugar

You might crave carbs and sugar-laden food when Aunt Flo comes knocking every month! But they will make your case worse when it comes to PMS. Not just that, an unwanted binge eating session can lead to a major surge in your weight.

According to Dr Gandhali Deorukhkar Pillai, consultant obstetrics gynaecologist at Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai Central, sugar is inflammatory in nature and it increases the blood supply in your uterus. This leads to major water retention which further leads to abdominal pain. Also, if you suffer from other PMS symptoms, then sugar can aggravate them in some cases.

6. Acupressure can help

To get rid of cramp pain, you can use the help of hot compression and pills, and acupressure is an effective way to deal with it. According to experts, pressing between the base of your thumb and between the bases of your index finger can provide instant relief from muscle cramps.

So ladies, try these tips and you’ll see a difference for sure!

Source: https://www.healthshots.com/intimate-health/menstruation/6-science-backed-period-hacks-for-pms/

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