15 Children were offered Free Heart Surgery | Wockhardt Hospitals

15 Children were offered Free Heart Surgery at Wockhardt

Free Heart Surgery

The Wockhardt Hospitals at Mumbai Central on Monday announced that it had successfully performed 15 complicated heart surgeries on children this year. The hospital has started an initiative called Little Heart where patients who cannot afford treatment are offered free surgeries.

Dr. Suresh Joshi, director of the hospital’s paediatric and congenital heart centre, said, “Cardiac surgery in India is complex, and when we speak of paediatric cardiac procedures, it gets more critical. We have performed an open heart surgery on a four-hour-old baby. We are setting new clinical benchmarks every time we conduct a procedure.”

The hospital felicitated Rotary International president-elect Mark Maloney at the event.

Source : https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/mumbai/15-children-undergo-heart-surgery-at-wockhardt/article25601241.ece

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