Pulmonology (Lungs Care)
Treatment in India

Pulmonology is a field of medicine dedicated solely to the respiratory system’s well-being. This intricate system comprises various organs pivotal for the breathing mechanism. A specialised medical professional pulmonologist focuses on identifying and treating respiratory conditions. Among the human respiratory system are the lungs, alongside several supporting organs and tissues that work towards facilitating breathing functions. Numerous pulmonologists serve as critical care physicians, offering specialised attention to patients in intensive care units, especially those reliant on mechanical breathing aids for survival.

Renowned Pulmonologist
at Wockhardt Hospitals

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Common Pulmonology Diseases

Diagnosis for Pulmonology Diseases

Who is the Right Candidate
For Clinical Pulmonology?

If a person exhibits any of the symptoms described below at different stages, they may be required to receive pulmonology treatment for lung conditions:

Early Symptoms

Symptoms Worsening Over Time
If the following symptoms occur, medical support must be sought right away:

For individuals who have already been diagnosed with a lung condition, it’s best to go for regular check-ups.

Types of Treatment Procedures/Approaches
at the Pulmonology Unit

Chest and respiratory disorders can be treated using various techniques, from conservative pulmonology medicine to complex surgery. After evaluating the patient’s condition, the doctor will determine the appropriate course of treatment based on their current health. Standard treatment approaches include:

Doctors may prescribe respiratory medications to widen airways and relax controlling muscles in breathing difficulties. Inhalers or nebulizers are commonly used alongside these medications. Prescribed medicines often include:

Oxygen Therapy

This treatment is employed when blood lacks sufficient oxygen, providing the lungs with additional oxygen. Oxygen therapy significantly improves quality of life and maintains the body’s oxygen balance. It is often recommended alongside medication for patients with moderate to severe COPD or other respiratory disorders.

Surgical Interventions:

For severe conditions like emphysema, surgery may be an option. Surgical procedures include:

Ventilatory Support

Both invasive and non-invasive methods are available:

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme

Post-therapy rehabilitation is essential for maintaining respiratory health. Pulmonary rehabilitation programs are tailored to individual needs, offering a combination of education, exercise, training, dietary advice, and counselling to enhance patients’ quality of life and adapt to their specific medical conditions.

Pulmonology Department Facilities

Wockhardt Hospitals provide the following facilities in their Department of Pulmonology:

Why Choose Wockhardt Hospitals
for Pulmonology Treatment?

Wockhardt Hospitals stands out as a premier destination for pulmonology care in India. Our dedicated team of Pulmonologists specializes in treating various lung disorders, including respiratory issues and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD). Tailored pulmonology treatment plans are offered to address your specific condition and restore your well-being. These plans encompass medications, therapeutic interventions, and comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation programs. We uphold international standards of healthcare excellence while ensuring accessibility, making top-quality care accessible to a broader spectrum of patients.

FAQs on Pulmonology

For individuals experiencing recurrent respiratory infections, shortness of breath, chest pain, or chronic cough, seeking guidance from a pulmonologist is strongly recommended.

Pulmonologists are equipped to manage various conditions such as asthma, COPD, pneumonia, lung cancer, pulmonary fibrosis, and tuberculosis.

Yes, pulmonologists specialise in lung-related issues and managing chest pain. They are adept at diagnosing and treating respiratory conditions, making them the go-to specialists for patients experiencing breathing difficulties alongside persistent cough.

Treatment strategies often include medications such as bronchodilators, steroids, oxygen therapy, and participation in pulmonary rehabilitation programs, all aimed at controlling symptoms and improving lung function.

Recovery from respiratory diseases varies depending on the severity of the condition and individual health factors. While some acute ailments may resolve with proper treatment and rest, chronic conditions like COPD or asthma may require ongoing management to control symptoms and improve quality of life. Early diagnosis, adherence to treatment regimens, lifestyle modifications, and consistent medical supervision are pivotal in enhancing recovery outcomes and overall well-being for individuals with respiratory conditions.