Endocrinology Surgery, Treatment,
Cost & Procedure

Endocrinology Treatment

Why choose Wockhardt Hospitals
for Endocrinology Treatment?

Wockhardt Hospitals is a renowned name in the healthcare industry with a substantial presence in many states. In the fields of healthcare and medical education, Wockhardt has established a reputation that is on par with international medical norms. The Endocrinology Department of Wockhardt Hospitals is dedicated to diagnosing and treating various endocrine problems, including diabetes.

Our main focus is to diagnose patients as soon as possible so that endocrinology treatment may start right away. Our skilled doctors, along with nursing staff, provide 24-hour specialized treatment for the full range of endocrine issues and provide the best endocrine surgery and post-operative care. In specialist areas of diabetes treatment, including management of Type 1 Diabetes, Insulin Pump Therapy, Diabetes in Pregnancy, and other problems of Diabetes, our doctors are experienced medical professionals with the most recent technology advancements and trends. Our goal is to always treat patients with compassion and care as we deliver patient care services through yearly health checkups and online video consultations.

Renowned Endocrinologists
at Wockhardt Hospitals

Dr Pranav Ghody

Mumbai Central

Dr Sandeep Kataria

Mumbai Central

Dr. Harsh Parekh

Mira Road

What is Endocrinology?

Endocrinology is a medical specialization focusing on the endocrine system, which regulates your body’s hormones. The pituitary, adrenals, thyroid, ovaries, and pancreas are a few of the organs that make up the endocrine system. Hormones are released into the blood circulation by these glands. Endocrine system hormones have a wide range of activities, and depending on the organ they are targeting, certain hormones may have varied harmful effects. Many hormones have the potential even to target and damage particular organs.

Diseases of the endocrine system are referred to as endocrinopathies. Nonetheless, these issues are repeatedly alluded to as hormonal imbalances. The diagnosis and treatment of illnesses affecting this system may be a part of endocrinology. A doctor who specializes in endocrinology, a field of medicine that studies diseases linked to hormones, is known as an endocrinologist. An endocrinologist can identify symptoms, create a management plan, provide strategies, and recommend necessary medications for endocrinology treatment.

Symptoms of Endocrine Problems

Endocrine disorders often have negligible or no symptoms at all. An individual’s general well-being and complete body may be impacted by this. Endocrine problems can show several symptoms, such as:

A sudden weight gain or loss might be an indication of an endocrine disease since the endocrine gland regulates development and metabolism in the body. Weight swings are a symptom of thyroid disorders. Vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and a lack of appetite are some frequent symptoms. Diabetes can cause serious long-term health issues like depression, skin, cardiovascular conditions, and damage to the eyes, hearing, kidneys, and nerves, among other things. Sometimes, it might even result in death if no action or measure is taken within time.

Main Causes
of Endocrine Problems


Endocrine problems usually result from one of the following:

A. Hormonal imbalance, or the release of either too much or too little hormone from the glands, is brought on by –

B. Growth of nodules or tumors inside or on the glands. Most tumors are benign and do not spread to other body areas. Yet, they can obstruct the glands’ ability to produce hormones.

Common Medical Test to
Diagnose of Endocrine Disease

Common Medical Test to Diagnose Heart Conditions

Hormone imbalance symptoms can take many different forms and have a significant impact on how the body functions. To prevent severe consequences later in life, it is imperative to get treatment right away. Many of the symptoms associated with endocrinology problems are also present in other common diseases. This can make it challenging to diagnose endocrine diseases in various ways. Certain endocrinology tests and technology may be necessary for a proper diagnosis. Your doctor could suggest visiting an endocrinologist if you have an endocrine illness.

Depending on the particular gland implicated, the symptoms of an endocrine problem might vary greatly. Nevertheless, weakness and exhaustion are common complaints among those who have endocrinology problems. Your doctor may use blood and urine tests to evaluate your hormone levels to see whether you have an endocrine disease. To assist in finding or pinpointing a nodule or tumor, imaging studies may be performed. It can be challenging to treat endocrine issues since shifting hormone levels might cause problems with other hormones. Regular blood tests may be requested by your doctor or specialist to check for issues or to see if your medication or treatment plan needs to be altered.

What tests are done
by an endocrinologist?

Many of the diagnostic endocrinology tests that should be used for Endocrinology treatment include:

What are the main types of
Endocrine Disorders?

In India, the number of persons with non-communicable illnesses and lifestyle problems is increasing alarmingly. These illnesses are significant causes of hospitalization and are mostly brought on by changing lifestyles. People in India are prone to diseases including diabetes, thyroid problems, metabolic bone abnormalities, and other endocrine illnesses, many of which are preventable, and endocrinologist treatment is possible.

Endocrine problems come in a wide variety of types. The following are a few of the most prevalent diseases.

Risk Factors and Emerging Complications
of Endocrine Disorders

If left untreated, Endocrinology or endocrine disorders can develop into serious illnesses. If the patient’s symptoms last longer than three days, they need to be evaluated by a doctor immediately. Risk factors for endocrine diseases include some of the following:


Several endocrine disorders that can be treated by Endocrine surgery are those that are brought on by surgically removable tumors. Pituitary tumors and cancers of the adrenal glands can frequently be removed by Endocrine surgery. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery are frequently effective treatments for testicular cancer. While many common endocrine issues cannot be cured, they can be effectively managed with medicine and/or a lifestyle change.

Endocrine conditions such as Graves’ disease, gonadal dysfunction, psychosexual dwarfism, and obesity can be brought on by stress. Several preexisting endocrine illnesses, such as the precipitation of thyroid storm and adrenal crisis, might potentially experience clinical changes as a result of stress.
If left untreated, endocrine disorders can develop into serious illnesses. If the patient’s symptoms last longer than three days, they need to be evaluated by a doctor occasionally.
Treatment of various types of diabetes and other metabolic disorders, including obesity, are areas of specialization for endocrinologists. The pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, testicles, and pancreas are a few of the organs that comprise the endocrine system, which is assessed and treated by endocrinology experts.
Your endocrinologist will enquire about your symptoms, prescription drugs, lifestyle choices, and any family members who have experienced hormone-related issues at your initial visit. Your referring physician will be contacted, and your medical records will be examined. After a diagnosis has been determined, your endocrinologist will collaborate with your doctor to create a treatment plan and Endocrine surgery.