Best Urologist in Nagpur | Wockhardt Hospitals

Top Urologist in Nagpur

We at Wockhardt Hospitals in Nagpur serving patients for Urology, which includes Vasectomy, Cystoscopy, Ureteroscopy, and Lithotripsy.

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Best Urologist in Nagpur ( Doctors Available )


Dr. Umesh Shelke

Speciality: Urology

Location: Nagpur


Dr. Sanjay Kolte

Speciality: Kidney Transplant, Urology

Location: Nagpur


Dr. Shrikant Jai


Location: Nagpur

FAQs On Urologist Specialist In Nagpur


Q1. Where is Wockhardt Hospitals, Nagpur located and how do I travel there?

To find the exact location of Wockhardt Hospitals in Nagpur to consult an Urologist, please click here or use maps for directions. We are easily accessible by various modes of transportation.

Q2. What is the consultancy fee of a Urologist in Nagpur?

The consultancy fee of a Urologist in Nagpur usually ranges between 1000 and 3000 Indian Rupees. The cost of a Urologist’s appointment usually varies based on the complexity of the condition and the doctor’s expertise, as well as the insurance plan.

Q3. How can I book an appointment to consult an best Urologist in Nagpur?

We advise all patients to call 0712-6624100 to schedule an appointment before their initial visit to best Urologist in Nagpur. Patients may also fill out the website’s inquiry form, and a representative will contact them within 24 hours.

Q4. What factors contribute to Urology diseases?

Urological diseases affect the urinary tract system and the body organs associated with it. Some risk factors for urological diseases include aging, injury, genetic problems, birth defects, use of anti-inflammatory drugs or anticoagulants, diabetes, pregnancy or childbirth, overactive bladder, weak bladder muscles, weak sphincter muscles, chronic inflammation in urologic organs, etc.

Q5. What diseases do a Urologist treat?

A urologist treat following conditions like urinary tract infections (UTIs), bladder problems, kidney cancer, kidney blockage, kidney stones, bladder control problems, prostate problems, enlarged prostate, incontinence, kidney infections, overactive bladder, pelvic organ prolapse, interstitial cystitis, recurrent UTI, etc. Visit Wockhardt Hospital to consult the best Urologist in Nagpur for urology treatment and surgeries.

Q6. How long does it take to recover from Urology surgery?

Recovery time for urology surgeries varies based on the type of the surgery and individual factors, such as overall health.

Q7. What are the latest advances in Urology treatments available at Wockhardt Hospitals in Nagpur?

Over the past few years, urology surgery has witnessed significant evolution, with notable advancements in medicine and technology. These developments have made it easier to identify and treat severely ill patients early, resulting in improved outcomes.

Q8. How do I find the best Urologist in Nagpur?

Wockhardt Hospitals boasts some of India’s best Urologist in Nagpur. To schedule an appointment with a top Urologist, please call 0712-6624100

Q9. Who is a Urologist?

A urologist is a medical professional specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the reproductive system and urinary tract. They are skilled in addressing issues such as male infertility, kidney stones, UTIs, and prostate problems, making them the go-to experts for urological health concerns.

Q10. When should I visit a Urologist in Nagpur?

Consider seeing a urologist in Nagpur if you have symptoms like kidney stones, urinary tract infections, blood in the urine, trouble urinating, or problems related to reproductive health. For people seeking preventative treatment or with a family history of urological disorders, routine examinations are also recommended.

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